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Corvia’s API infrastructure lets you easily integrate into our commerce platform.  See how you can provide your users an easy-to-use payments experience while building your revenue.

F1 Payments External Api v1

Protocols: HTTPs




Secured by apiKey


Each request must contain the headers necessary to demonstrate the B2B account has proper credentials.

  • Authentication: required(object)

    The JWT token holding the client credentials.

    • clientId: required (string)

      The client ID provided when you onboarded.

    • clientSecret: required (string)

      The client Secret hashed with the timestamp. The following strings within the quotation marks should be combined as follows and then SHA-256 hashed. "Authorization:<clientSecret>_<timestamp>" where <timestamp> is an iso-8601 timestamp with timezone offset (e.g. "2021-03-02T15:46:02.000Z"). If this is not created exactly as described the authentication will fail.

    • timestamp: required (string)

      The time stamp used to hash your client secret. This should be an iso-8601 timestamp with timezone offset (e.g. "2021-03-02T15:46:02.000Z")

Response Codes

401: Unauthorized. One of the field may be missing, the hashing could have been done incorrectly, or the the fields provided are invalid. No additional information will be provided for security reasons.


This endpoint will provide a list of all the MIDs associated with your account.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.

pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1




Response Sample

  "midList": [
  "pagingInfo": {
        "hasMoreRecords": true,
        "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",
        "pageSize": 2

Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • midList:(array of string)

  • pagingInfo: required(object)

    • hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)

      True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

    • nextPageId: required(string)

      The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

    • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)

      The page size returned


     "hasMoreRecords": true,
     "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",
    "pageSize": 10

400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)




This endpoint will provide all details regarding a specific merchant.


Request Query Parameters






Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • merchant: required(object)

    • general: required(object)

      • mid: required(string)

      • descriptor: required(string)

      • dbaName: required(string)

      • legalName: required(string)

      • relationshipCode: required (string)
        ​a unique code used by F1 to identify the sales partner relationship for this mid

      • mcc: required(string)

      • contactInfo: required(object)

      • address: required(string)

      • address2:(string)

      • city: required(string)

      • state: required(string)

      • zip: required(string)

      • country:(string)

      • contactEmail: required (string)
        a valid email address, the system normalizes all data by folding to lowercase.

  • Example

    • ​

      • contactPhone: required (string)

        should be of the format "+12223334444"

      • contactName: required(string)

      • url:(string)

      • addressType:(string)

      • faxNumber:(string)

      • paymentSummary: required(object)

      • seasonalBusiness:(boolean)

      • averageTransactionAmount:(number -)

      • highestTransactionAmount:(number -)

      • currentAllowedMonthlyVolume: required (number -)

      • cardsSwiped:(string)

      • telephoneOrder:(number -)

      • ecommerce:(number -)

      • seasonalBusinessJan:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessFeb:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessMar:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessApr:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessMay:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessJun:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessJul:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessAug:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessSep:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessOct:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessNov:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • seasonalBusinessDec:(boolean)

        if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

      • fundingChoices:(string)

      • perMonthFunding:(string)

      • visaCard:(boolean)

        true if they accept visa, false if they do not

      • masterCard:(boolean)

        true if they accept MC, false if they do not

      • discoverCard:(boolean)

        true if they accept discover card, false if they do not

      • amexOptBlue:(boolean)

        true if they accept american express opt blue, false if they do not

      • debitCardsOnly:(boolean)

        true if they accept only debit cards, false if they do not

      • otherCard:(boolean)

        true if they accept cards outside of our specified list, false if they do not

      • masterCardNobRegStatus:(string)

      • amexAcceptance:(string)

      • annualVolume:(string)

      • imprintWithCardPresent:(number -multipleOf: 0.01)

      • hrBillingModel:(string)

      • status: required(object)

      • status: required(string)
        approvedDate: required (string)

      • this MUST be ISO 8601 format


    • contactPhone: required (string)

      should be of the format "+12223334444"

    • contactName: required(string)
    • url:(string)
    • addressType:(string)
    • faxNumber:(string)
  • paymentSummary: required(object)
    • seasonalBusiness:(boolean)
    • averageTransactionAmount:(number -)
    • highestTransactionAmount:(number -)
    • currentAllowedMonthlyVolume: required (number -)
    • cardsSwiped:(string)
    • telephoneOrder:(number -)
    • ecommerce:(number -)
    • seasonalBusinessJan:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessFeb:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessMar:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessApr:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessMay:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessJun:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessJul:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessAug:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessSep:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessOct:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessNov:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • seasonalBusinessDec:(boolean)

      if seasonalBusiness is true, then this field is required

    • fundingChoices:(string)
    • perMonthFunding:(string)
    • visaCard:(boolean)

      true if they accept visa, false if they do not

    • masterCard:(boolean)

      true if they accept MC, false if they do not

    • discoverCard:(boolean)

      true if they accept discover card, false if they do not

    • amexOptBlue:(boolean)

      true if they accept american express opt blue, false if they do not

    • debitCardsOnly:(boolean)

      true if they accept only debit cards, false if they do not

    • otherCard:(boolean)

      true if they accept cards outside of our specified list, false if they do not

    • masterCardNobRegStatus:(string)
    • amexAcceptance:(string)
    • annualVolume:(string)
    • imprintWithCardPresent:(number -multipleOf: 0.01)
    • hrBillingModel:(string)
  • status: required(object)

    approvedDate: required (string)

    this MUST be ISO 8601 format



  • closedDate:(string)
    this MUST be ISO 8601 format



400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)


This endpoint will provide a list of all the relationship codes associated with your account. Note that only sales partners are allowed to call this endpoint, all others will receive a 403.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.


pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1



Response Sample


       "relationshipCodeList": [




     "pagingInfo": {

             "hasMoreRecords": true,



             "pageSize": 2



Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • relationshipCodeList:(array of string)

  • pagingInfo: required(object)

    • hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)
      True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

    • nextPageId: required(string)
      The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

    • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)
      The page size returned

  • Example


      "hasMoreRecords": true,

      "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",

      "pageSize": 10


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)




This endpoint will provide all details regarding a relationship code associated with your account. Note that only sales partners are allowed to call this endpoint, all others will receive a 403.


Request Query Parameters

relationshipCode: STRING





Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • relationship: required(object)

    • relationshipCode: required(string)
      a unique code used by F1 business to identify this relationship

    • relationshipName: required(string)
      a human readable name for this relationship

    • bankName: required(string)
      The name of the bank that services this relationship.

    • processorName: required(string)
      ​The name of the processor that serves this relationship.

    • processorFrontEnd:(string)
      The name of the front end the processor uses.

    • paymentGateway: required(string)
      The payment gateway used in this relationship

  • Example


     "relationshipCode": "10001",

     "relationshipName": "wells_Fargo Gadget Mids",      

     "bankName": "WELLS_FARGO",

     "processorName": "WORLD_PAY",

     "processorFrontEnd": "authorization_express",    

     "paymentGateway": "PAYEEZY"


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)




This endpoint will provide a listing of all authorization transactions and their associated details for the requested date. The date in question is the latest date that F1 received information about the transaction. It is common for transactions to receive updated information days after they are initially received. As such, the caller should expect to get the same transaction across different days with updated information. F1 Provides a unique key (authorizationTransactionId) to allow for easy identification, and we suggest always using the latest information. Note that only sales partners are allowed to call this endpoint, all others will receive a 403.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.


pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1

lastUpdatedDate: STRING


This is the date the transaction was last updated by F1. This must be in ISO-8601 format EG "2020-08-17". Data will be returned from midnight central time to midnight central time



if provided, only this mid's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with relationshipCode. if they are both passed in, an error will result

relationshipCode: STRING

if provided, only this relationshipCode's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with mid. if they are both passed in, an error will result



Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • authorizationTransactions:(array of object)

    • authorizationResponse: required (string)

    • authorizationTransactionId: required (string)
      this is the unique ID F1 assigns to the transaction

    • authorizationId: required(string)
      the ID provided by the processor

    • avsRequest: required(boolean)

    • avsResponseCode: required(string)

    • batchAssociationDate: required (string)

    • cardNumberFirstSixLastFour: required (string)
      the first six and last four of the card number with x's in between.

    • Example


    • cardBrand: required(string)

    • cardEntryMethod: required(string)

    • cvvPresenceIndicator: required (string)

    • cvvResponse: required(string)

    • mid: required(string)

    • preauthorizationRequestAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • processorCreatedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorLastModifiedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorSyncDate: required(string)

    • transactionDateAuth: required(string)

    • transactionId: required(string)

      the id associated with the entire purchase flow, meaning that a sales/refund will have the same transactionId for the same underlying purchase. 1-to-1 matching through the entire flow is not guaranteed, but is best effort.

    • transactionTimestampAuth: required (string)

  • pagingInfo: required(object)

    • hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)

      True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

    • nextPageId: required(string)

      The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

    • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)

      The page size returned



     "hasMoreRecords": true,

     "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",

     "pageSize": 10


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)


This endpoint will provide a listing of all sale transactions and their associated details for the requested date. The date in question is the latest date that F1 received information about the transaction. It is common for transactions to receive updated information days after they are initially received. As such, the caller should expect to get the same transaction across different days with updated information. F1 Provides a unique key (settlementTransactionId) to allow for easy identification, and we suggest always using the latest information. Note that only sales partners are allowed to call this endpoint, all others will receive a 403.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.


pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1

lastUpdatedDate: STRING


This is the date the transaction was last updated by F1. This must be in ISO-8601 format EG "2020-08-17". Data will be returned from midnight central time to midnight central time



if provided, only this mid's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with relationshipCode. if they are both passed in, an error will result

relationshipCode: STRING

if provided, only this relationshipCode's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with mid. if they are both passed in, an error will result



Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • salesTransactions:(array of object)

    • avsResponseCode: required(string)

    • achDate: required(string)

    • achTimestamp: required(string)

    • associationDate: required(string)

    • authorizationAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • authorizationCodeSt: required(string)

    • batchCycle: required(string)

    • batchDate: required(string)

    • batchIdFt: required(string)

    • batchTimestamp: required(string)

    • cardNumberFirstSixLastFour: required (string)
      ​the first six and last four of the card number with x's in between.

    • Example


    • cardBin: required(string)

    • cardBrand: required(string)

    • cardEntryMethod: required(string)

    • cashAdvanceAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • cashBackAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • locationId: required(string)

    • locationName: required(string)

    • mid: required(string)

    • processorCreatedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorLastModifiedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorSyncDate: required(string)

    • purchaseAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • settledBy: required(string)

    • settlementId: required(string)
      the ID provided by the processor

    • settlementTransactionId: required (string)
      this is the unique ID F1 assigns to the transaction

    • status: required(string)

    • transactionDate: required(string)

    • transactionId: required(string)
      the id associated with the entire purchase flow, meaning that a sales/refund will have the same transaction_id for the same underlying purchase. 1-to-1 matching through the entire flow is not guaranteed, but is best effort.

    • transactionTimestamp: required (string)

    • transactionType: required(string)

    • pagingInfo: required(object)

      • hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)
        True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

      • nextPageId: required(string)
        The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

      • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)
        The page size returned

    • Example


     "hasMoreRecords": true,

     "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",

     "pageSize": 10


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)


This endpoint will provide a listing of all refund transactions and their associated details for the requested date. The date in question is the latest date that F1 received information about the transaction. It is common for transactions to receive updated information days after they are initially received. As such, the caller should expect to get the same transaction across different days with updated information. F1 Provides a unique key (settlementTransactionId) to allow for easy identification, and we suggest always using the latest information. Note that only sales partners are allowed to call this endpoint, all others will receive a 403.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.


pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1

lastUpdatedDate: STRING


This is the date the transaction was last updated by F1. This must be in ISO-8601 format EG "2020-08-17". Data will be returned from midnight central time to midnight central time



if provided, only this mid's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with relationshipCode. if they are both passed in, an error will result

relationshipCode: STRING

if provided, only this relationshipCode's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with mid. if they are both passed in, an error will result



Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • refundTransactions:(array of object)

    • avsResponseCode: required(string)

    • achDate: required(string)

    • achTimestamp: required(string)

    • associationDate: required(string)

    • authorizationAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • authorizationCodeSt: required(string)

    • batchCycle: required(string)

    • batchDate: required(string)

    • batchIdFt: required(string)

    • batchTimestamp: required(string)

    • cardNumberFirstSixLastFour: required (string)
      ​the first six and last four of the card number with x's in between.

    • Example


    • cardBin: required(string)

    • cardBrand: required(string)

    • cardEntryMethod: required(string)

    • cashAdvanceAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • cashBackAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • locationId: required(string)

    • locationName: required(string)

    • mid: required(string)

    • processorCreatedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorLastModifiedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorSyncDate: required(string)

    • purchaseAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • settledBy: required(string)

    • settlementId: required(string)
      the ID provided by the processor

    • settlementTransactionId: required (string)
      this is the unique ID F1 assigns to the transaction

    • status: required(string)

    • transactionDate: required(string)

    • transactionId: required(string)
      the id associated with the entire purchase flow, meaning that a sales/refund will have the same transaction_id for the same underlying purchase. 1-to-1 matching through the entire flow is not guaranteed, but is best effort.

    • transactionTimestamp: required (string)

    • transactionType: required(string)

    • pagingInfo: required(object)

      • hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)
        True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

      • nextPageId: required(string)
        The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

      • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)
        The page size returned

    • Example


     "hasMoreRecords": true,

     "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",

     "pageSize": 10


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)


This endpoint will provide a listing of all chargeback transactions and their associated details for the requested date. It is common for chargebacks to receive updated information days/weeks after they are initially received. As such, the caller should expect to get the same chargeback across different days with updated information. F1 Provides a unique key (chargebackTransactionId) to allow for easy identification, and we suggest always using the latest information. The date in question is the latest date that F1 received information about the transaction.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.


pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1

lastUpdatedDate: STRING


This is the date the transaction was last updated by F1. This must be in ISO-8601 format EG "2020-08-17". Data will be returned from midnight central time to midnight central time



if provided, only this mid's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with relationshipCode. if they are both passed in, an error will result

relationshipCode: STRING

if provided, only this relationshipCode's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with mid. if they are both passed in, an error will result



Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • chargebackTransactions:(array of object)

    • authorizationCodeCb: required(string)

    • descriptionCb: required(string)

    • caseEventSequenceNumber: required (string)

    • cardNumberFirstSixLastFour:  (string)
      the first six and last four of the card number with x's in between.

  • Example


    • cardBrand: required(string)

    • cardBin: required(string)

    • cardEntryMethod: required(string)

    • cbReferenceNumber: required(string)
      the ID provided by the processor for this specific action on a chargeback case

    • chargebackAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • chargebackCaseId: required(string)
      the ID provided by the processor for the entire chargeback case

    • chargebackReasonCode: required (string)

    • chargebackReasonCodeDescription: required (string)

    • chargebackReasonGroup: required (string)

    • chargebackStatus: required(string)

    • chargebackTransactionId: required (string)
      this is the unique ID F1 assigns to the transaction

    • chargebackType: required(string)

    • feeAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • firstChargeback: required(boolean)
      True if this is the first event in a chargeback case, false otherwise.

    • mid: required(string)

    • processorCreatedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorLastModifiedTimestamp: required (string)

    • processorSyncDate: required(string)

    • receivedDate: required(string)

    • receivedTimestamp: required(string)

    • statusDate: required(string)
      The last date the processor received an update do this event.

    • transactionAmount: required (number -multipleOf: 0.01)

    • transactionDateCb: required(string)
      the date of the original transaction related to this chargeback.

    • transactionId: required(string)
      the id associated with the entire purchase flow, meaning that a sales/refund will have the same transaction_id for the same underlying purchase. 1-to-1 matching through the entire flow is not guaranteed, but is best effort.

    • transactionTimestampCb: required (string)

    • pagingInfo: required(object)

    • hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)
      True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

    • nextPageId: required(string)
      The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

    • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)
      The page size returned

    • Example


     "hasMoreRecords": true,

     "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",

     "pageSize": 10


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)


This endpoint will provide a listing of reserve positions for all mids. There are two ways this endpoint returns data: (1) if no month is provided, it returns data for yesterday, or (2) a year-month can be provided and it will return data for the last day in that month for past months or yesterday for current and future months. Note that this does not provide the reserve breakdown for each transaction, but instead provides the entire reserve balance for a mid. Note that only sales partners are allowed to call this endpoint, all others will receive a 403.


Request Query Parameters

pageId: STRING

for the very first page, this isn't required.


pageSize: NUMBER

>= 1  Multiple of 1

lastUpdatedDate: STRING


This is the date the transaction was last updated by F1. This must be in ISO-8601 format EG "2020-08-17". Data will be returned from midnight central time to midnight central time



if provided, only this mid's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with relationshipCode. if they are both passed in, an error will result

relationshipCode: STRING

if provided, only this relationshipCode's transactional data will be returned. Note that this parameter cannot be used with mid. if they are both passed in, an error will result



Response Codes

200: (The call was successful)

Media type: application/json


  • reserveBalances:(array of object)

    • merchantPosition: required(string)

    • mid: required(string)

    • reportEdition: required(string)
      this is the date the reserve report was run.

    • pagingInfo: required(object)hasMoreRecords: required(boolean)
      True if there is more data to return and additional calls should be made. False otherwise

    • nextPageId: required(string)
      The pageId to provide on a subsequent call to get the next page of data. This F1-internal id is not meant to be client-parsable.

    • pageSize: required (number -minimum: 1multipleOf: 1)

    • The page size returned

  • Example


    "hasMoreRecords": true,

    "nextPageId": "9sdf&#::_",

    "pageSize": 10


400: (Some input provided is invalid or a required input parameter missing.)

403: (You do not have access to the requested resource and an attempt should not be made again.)

404: (The requested resource could not be found)

500: (Generic and unknown error)

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